The Man in my life loves me unconditionally. He loves me when times are good and when times are bad;
I have a Man in my life who wipes away my tears when others make me cry;
The Man in my life who opens doors for me that others have closed;
I have a Man in my life that carries me in the sand while we walked along the beach shore;
The Man in my life speaks to my heart and I am so in love with His calm and stillness;
I have a Man in my life who knows my heart's desires;
The Man in my life will not leave or forsake me;
I have a Man in my life who continues to bless me with the privilege of knowing His child;
The Man in my life gave me a gift that no others have ever matched;
I have a Man in my life who is king of all kings; ruler of all rulers;
The Man in my life has a plan for my life; a plan for which isn't my own to direct;
I have a Man in my life who doesn't judge me for my past and who won't discount choices I've made;
The Man in my life has promised me whatever I ask for I shall receive;
I have a Man in my life listens to me with an open heart;
The Man in my life answers my prayers;
I have a Man in my life that loves me;
The Man in my life is......
My faith in God has allowed me to make it through the tough times in my life. As I continue to evolve, I constantly need His favor over me and for His blessings to continue to flow. Maintaining a relationship with God is my true purpose on Eath. Day after day, I sought my purpose on Earth. I am the best mother to my daughter all due to my love for God.
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