
Sunday, October 31, 2010


Today is Halloween

This year I decided to dress up and live in the moment. I decided to dress up like Beyonce...her video "Green Light".

So what do you think???

I think I nailed it!!!


                                                                              Me (Nadia)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Patience is a Virtue...

Choosing Patience

Leo Daily Horoscope

You may feel adventurous and inclined to explore possibilities today. Perhaps you are opening yourself up to new ideas. New thoughts or life paths may reveal themselves through conversations with others or in your mind as you process your thoughts. It may serve you to consider each idea carefully today before making any decisions. While there is value in following our impulses, tempering our urges with introspection can ensure that we are making choices that are active rather than reactive. Patience is a valuable virtue that can allow you the freedom to explore all of your options; it is harder to gain that freedom when you act on the first possibility that excites you.

Practicing patience allows us to make the best possible choices. When we take time to make a decision, we have the room to examine our projected course of action from all angles. We aren’t influenced by our emotions or the circumstances of the moment and can make decisions with calm detachment. We can then take the time to explore how our lives will shift if we make a particular choice. When relevant information comes to light, we are able to incorporate these new factors into our thought process. Be patient, think things over, and collect information that applies to the choices you may be considering today, and you will make a solid and well-informed decision when you are ready.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Unemployment Blues

Today is depressing in the sense of being unemployed.

I've been unemployed since August 13th- 9 weeks now. Honestly, it's been rough and my spirits tend to dip when the day ends with no prospects. I play the game by the rules and tend to be viewed as over-qualified or under-qualified. I know that I am a valuable asset to any employer, but it just seems as if this employers market is so narrow.

I am looking and leaning on the Lord to see me through this time. It seems as if my life goes in a circle- nothing really opening up to it's full potential. I have to make the conscious effort to LET GO and LET GOD!!! I have to lean on God more so than ever during this time.