Pastor's message from 2/27/11 morning service...
This week's Lesson within the Message is about Trusting God During Your Stress.
My pastor eloquently delivered a sermon about trusting god during strife and struggles.

The pastor spoke about a woman [
Mark 5:24-34] who had a condition - 12 years of bleeding- and no doctor was able to cure- she got worse. She heard about Jesus; so happen Jesus was in town and she
pressed her way through the crowd and tugged on the hem of Jesus' robe. She thought that if she touched his Jesus robe she would be healed. In that instance, the bleeding stopped and she felt better, and Jesus felt his healing powers leave and soon asked who touched his robe. Once the woman identified herself, Jesus said to her "
Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over."
The woman did 3 things:
1. Position herself to hear talk about Jesus
2. Pondered inner thoughts about Jesus
3. Pressed herself passed her condition to get to Jesus
According to New Living Translation, we should never allow our fear to keep us from approaching him. Sometimes we feel that our problems will keep us from God. But he's always ready to help, no matter how impossible the problem seems to us.
Touch Jesus heart with sincere worship -- things will soon start to change. As soon as you touch Jesus, HE will touch you back - your stress will go away.
God can handle your issue LET IT GO...LET IT GO...and Trust God!!!!
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church of Miami Gardens - Pastor Jackson